If you are willing to try out home remedies, you can rub honey over the moles daily. Another suggested alternative is castor oil. Twice in a day application can also be done. Garlic is another suggested option for mole removal. A clove of garlic ground into something like a paste will be rubbed all over the area where the mole is. Leave it on overnight and rinse it in the morning.
After the moles are removed, make sure the area is constantly kept clean. It is good to keep the area free of microbes. When the wounded area is protected, you will observe a faster recovery. The skin in that area must never be stretched.
It is important to know ways on how to remove a mole. Do you know that there are very good laser treatments that might help in removing moles? The laser light is concentrated on mole pigmentation. Once the laser light reaches the pigments, it breaks it down. The skin in that region will naturally get burnt a bit. There will also be a bit of redness around the area. The laser treatment will also bring some slight irritation. If you want faster healing time, choose laser light treatment over excision as a method of mole removal. It can be less painful.
However, it can cause some scarring too. There are a lot of people who prefer the excision method to remove their moles. A lot of doctors also choose this method to use among their patients. Tools that are razor-sharp are used in excision.
These instruments will directly shave the moles off the skin. Do not worry, this cauterization process is quite safe. After excising the mole with the said instruments, the area will then be burnt or cauterized. This is to remove whatever is left of the mole. There won't be any stitching involved. Though it is considered to remove the moles completely, it might leave a scar on your face. The original size and shape of the mole removed will be the same as that of the scar. This process can remove your moles, but they will be replaced by scars.
You will find it very helpful to know how to remove a mole. In the excision process, the doctor will cut the skin exactly at the mole region. In order to cover this area, few stitches will be later performed. The amount of stitching will not be too much, though. But you might be left with some marks or scars on the region where the stitches were made.
Some people may take years before their scars eventually disappear. Have your moles diagnosed, if they are harmful or benign before undergoing any type of surgery to remove them. It is a different story if the mole is diagnosed to be cancerous. A small biopsy will usually be done by the doctor, before the surgery starts.