Moles are seen in different regions on your body. What can be stated as the best mole removal home remedy? Different techniques for different folks, people tend to deal with it in different ways. You cannot immediately assume that one treatment is the best among the rest. The mole removal home remedy that works best for you might not be working properly for another person. It could happen that a certain home remedy could prove to have adverse side effects on you. In order to decide on the best strategy, you need to assess the effects of the treatment on the individual. If it takes effect real fast, then you could say that it is a very good mole removal remedy. While some people would choose to use apple cider vinegar, others would go for apple juice instead. 

Onion juice can also be a very good home remedy when it comes to mole removal. Extracting the onion juice is going to be really easy from the onions that can be easily purchased from the store or market. You don't even have to worry about any allergies because onion juice contains no chemicals or preservatives. That means you don't have to harbor any uncertainties or worries over using it. You shouldn't have to undergo any surgery or buy creams that would cost a lot of money when it would be easier and cheaper to just get an onion and extract its juice. Make sure you include this on your to-buy list whenever you go to the store to shop.

Now it is common knowledge that peeling or slicing an onion would make you all teary-eyed. When drawing the juice from the onion, it would be better if you wear a pair of glasses. When you are applying the juice at different regions of the body that contain moles, you need to be careful not to sprinkle the juice into your eyes. You only have to draw a small amount of concentrated onion juice. A little quantity is sufficient for each mole.  


A few drops can be applied on each day. Just one day of application does not mean there would be visible results. You would probably see the results after about a month. A q-tip could really come in handy when you want to apply the onion juice. Rub the juice directly on the mole. This can be done for around two to three times on a day. A burning or stinging sensation would mean that the treatment may have to be stopped for a while. Wait for a day or two, and then resume treatment. If you find the development of rashes, you can stop the treatment completely. Initially you can apply a small amount of juice on the skin, especially on your arm. If the skin shows an allergic reaction, it would do you good to not go through with the treatment. You should observe how the skin reacts within a period of 24 hours.

It is not unusual to find the skin show some slight scarring when the treatment chosen is a home remedy. This is unavoidable. But give it a month and you will definitely find those moles gradually disappearing. After that, you can enjoy having your beautiful and clear skin back again. 

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