Skin moles are one of the common cosmetic problems that people face. Skin moles are never harmful, do not cause any pain, do not result in any disorders yet, people are always interested in getting rid of these moles. Primary reason for the desire of skin moles removal is cosmetic.

Since, you feel less confident with a lot of moles on your skin, you are most likely to look for a solution to this problem. Medical insurance generally does not cover treatment for moles because they are cosmetic in nature. It is entirely up to your pocket to bear the doctor's fee, operational expenses and medicines. Moles are found in any parts of the body and have no particular reason of appearance in any area. Moles, are more common in people, which are exposed to sun longer than usual and thus they have higher number of moles on their skin.

Moles vary in types and sizes in different people. They may be small in size, large, protruding out, flat or deeply penetrated moles. Moles of every type is treated differently. Generally treatment costs according to the mole type.

Moles can either be by birth or can appear with the passage of time on your skin. There have been instances when people have had the history of having hereditary problem of moles. In such cases, family physician may be the right person to advise for the treatment pattern that should be followed.

Mole removing was considered the domain of allopathic medicine alone, but now traditional medication is also attempting such a medicare. Herbal mole removing medicines are particularly getting popular now-a-days. An ordinary skin mark should not be confused with a mole.

Moles are not the same in their kind as the other marks like birth marks or black spots etc. Medical care for moles only follows the definition that doctors have developed. Skin problems other than moles can be easily handled without any problem.

Different techniques have been evolved for removing moles. Generally used methods are the excision with stitches and self healing excision in which stitches are not applied to the affected part of the body. A doctor will usually removing the minutest portion of skin carrying mole and then stitch the skin back. In such a case, scars may appear on the body at that point.

In order to avoid severe after effects, consult the doctor and ask if the scars could go away soon. Removing skin mole with laser has been a new phenomenon but has not been very popular among people due to the after effects that it causes. Lasers have not been successful in handling deep rooted moles and are generally ineffective against them. After effects are linked with both laser and surgery, former resulting into skin itching or burning and later due to the anesthesia being used during the surgery. Doctor has to decide on the technique of mole removal considering all the factors.